
Do Cloned Animals Have The Same Personality

Quote1.pngI actually desire to injure you. But Wolverine wants me to be a proficient person. Zelda wanted me to be a proficient person too. Despite everything yous did to united states of america, I want to be a good person.Quote2.png

Gabby [src]

Gabby Kinney is a clone of Laura Kinney created past Alchemax Genetics.[4] After rebelling against Alchemax with her Sisters and taking revenge on them,[11] fellow clone Bellona left Gabby in Laura'due south care, assuasive Gabby to pursue a career in heroics.[12]


  • 1 History
    • 1.i Origin
    • 1.2 Revenge on Alchemax Genetics
    • ane.3 Moving On
    • 1.four Enemy of the Country Ii
    • i.5 Farther Adventures with Laura
    • 1.6 Age of 10-Homo
    • 1.7 Krakoa
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Powers and Abilities
    • 3.ane Powers
    • 3.2 Abilities
  • iv Paraphernalia
    • 4.ane Equipment
    • iv.2 Weapons
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Trivia
  • vii Meet Besides
  • 8 Links and References
    • 8.ane References



Gabrielle is one of at least x clones of Wolverine,[11] youngest of the Sisters, created by Alchemax Genetics, a partition of Alchemax. The projection was overseen past Robert Chandler, with security provided past Captain Mooney. The girls were created and trained to serve every bit bodyguards for humanitarian missions and other personnel.[four] Much similar Laura before them, they were ofttimes abused by their handlers, specially Mooney,[xiii] but the elder Sisters did their all-time to protect her from the worst of the abuse. She was incapable of feeling pain, the upshot of nanites implanted in her trunk that were slowly killing her. With six of her sisters expressionless due to fatalities on missions, or every bit a event of the nanites, she escaped along with Zelda, Bellona, and X23_3PAR.[11] They were assisted in their escape past Kimura, who armed and equipped them before sending them after Alchemax for revenge for stealing holding from the Facility.[12]

Revenge on Alchemax Genetics

With the arms supplied past Kimura, the Sisters launched a campaign confronting Alchemax, targeting their personnel for bump-off. Gabby, yet, quickly grew disillusioned with her sisters' more extreme measures. Then when 3PAR headed to Paris to assassinate Chandler's son, she sent an anonymous notation to Wolverine tipping her off.[4] Laura successfully foiled the bump-off attempt, however 3PAR committed suicide rather than be captured.[xiv]

Gabby sought Laura out directly in the aftermath and confronted her nigh 3PAR's death, also equally admitted that she was the 1 who sent the note. She then fled Laura's apartment after setting a fire every bit a distraction, and returned to the sewers where the rest of the girls were hiding. Laura followed her, and against Gabby's objections Bellona shot her four times in the chest to incapacitate her; however, Laura herself was unknowingly being followed by Captain Mooney, and the Sisters freed her to assist them bargain with the Alchemax soldiers swarming their hideout, before Taskmaster arrived and shot the three fugitive clones.[iv]

Gabby survives Taskmaster.

They survived because of their torso armor and with Laura'south assist escaped into the streets of New York. She took them to the Sanctum Sanctorum to seek the help of Doctor Strange with what was killing the girls.[thirteen] After a misadventure with a monster Bellona inadvertently set loose from a cupboard of horrors, Strange teleported the grouping to New York Hospital, where he successfully located the nanites which were killing Zelda. Unable to operate on them himself, he sent the girls on to Pym's laboratory to borrow an Ant-Man Adapt, so Laura could enter Zelda's body to fight the nanites directly.[11] They were interrupted by Wasp; even so, January was ultimately convinced to assist them. She and Laura were successfully able to fight the devices off, simply their attack tripped a alarm beacon, alerting Mooney to the girls' location. He attacked them at the lab, and was able to fatally wound Zelda before Laura and Jan could restrain him.[15]

Taking advantage of their prisoner, Laura hatched a programme to destroy Alchemax Genetics for good by allowing Mooney to escape and atomic number 82 them to their secret bunker. She and Bellona switched outfits, and Laura allowed herself to exist "killed" and brought into the base of operations. Gabby and Bellona afterwards entered the bunker with her assist, and she so helped Bellona take out Helm Mooney. Bellona refused to allow Gabby to watch her kill him, and subsequently the deed was done said her farewells. Gabby protested, but Bellona reminded her they had an agreement with Kimura. Gabby then hurried to meet up with Laura and came across her making a betoken to Chandler about the girls' powerlessness. Equally they were most to exit, Gabby asked to have a moment alone with Chandler, to which Laura agreed.

Gabby approached the director of the projection which created her, and admitted that she really wanted to kill him; however, because Laura and Zelda wanted her to exist a skilful person, and Gabby herself desired to exist good, she refrained from doing and so, and satisfied herself with scaring him instead past extending a claw — which Chandler didn't believe whatsoever of the girls had manifested — in his face up. She then left him in that location and hurried to catch up with Laura, admitting she was afraid at the idea of having to determine her ain future. Laura expressed her agreement, and her pride that Gabby held herself back from killing Chandler equally they walked away from the base paw-in-mitt earlier S.H.I.E.L.D. arrived.[12]

Moving On

In the backwash of the takedown of Alchemax Genetics, Gabby briefly stayed at Laura's apartment while it was decided what would become of her next. Driven past Logan's example, Laura preferred finding her a new dwelling that offered her greater rubber and a hazard at the normal life both had been denied, and which Gabby was unlikely to discover with her. Withal Gabby was upset by this prospect, as she felt that with Zelda and Bellona gone Laura was all the family unit she had left; nonetheless, Laura ultimately realized that Logan was incorrect when he sent her away to the Xavier Institute, and reconsidered. She agreed that the best place for Gabby would be with her, asking her to stay on permanently. The new home also came with a new pet when Gabby gleefully adopted a wolverine named Jonathan that Squirrel Girl rescued from a lab.[16]

Logan lashes out

Despite growing closer with her new sister, Gabby declined to tell Laura the full truth about herself. She was unable to hide it upon encountering an alternate future Logan: he revealed that he had known her in his home reality. Logan immediately demanded to know whether Gabby intended Laura harm. She denied his allegation, and Logan appeared to have it. Withal, he later on tried to warn Laura of Gabby'southward actions in his own hereafter. She refused to even listen, pointing out that the ii realities are not the same. Any further argue was ended when Captain America arrived in pursuit of Logan because the Inhuman Ulysses predicted that Logan would impale Gabby, and S.H.I.E.L.D. scrambled to intercept him before he could carry out the killing. Nonetheless South.H.I.E.L.D.'s efforts to prevent Ulysses' vision ultimately led direct to its apparent fulfillment: Later on their attempts to restrain Logan only drove him into a blind rage, Gabby took it upon herself to reach out and endeavor to calm him. Unfortunately, Logan mistook her for the Gabrielle of his reality and lashed out, impaling her on his claws.[17]

Although pronounced dead on the scene by Rogers, Gabby in actuality survived her wounds considering, unlike her other sisters, she did inherit Laura's healing factor. She rushed to arbitrate in the fight between Laura and Logan that ensued in the wake of her apparent death and managed to defuse the situation. Gabby revealed her powers to Laura and apologized for not telling her before. Laura bankrupt off whatever possibility of a human relationship with Logan, and Gabby warned him never to bother or upset her over again, otherwise, she would "put him down" like a rabid canis familiaris. She subsequently joined Laura as she withdrew from the brewing Second Superhero Civil War.[18]

Enemy of the State II

Afterwards seemingly killing the entire civilian population of Daylesville, California,[19] Laura was arrested by S.H.I.Eastward.L.D.; however, her behavior had been influenced by trigger olfactory property released from a Madripoorian shipping. After escaping custody, Laura and Gabby sought passage upon a pirate ship to reach Madripoor to search for answers. Unfortunately Captain Ash turned out to be office of an surreptitious child trafficking ring, and although Gabby and Laura saved the children, it was not earlier existence sold out to Kimura, who was responsible for having dropped the trigger in the first place.[20] Laura was then captured by Roughouse and Bellona, who were working for Kimura.[21]

Gabby was put in a shipping container with the children,[22] but escaped with Jonathan and returned to Madripoor with Gambit, Angel, and Marvel Girl.[23] Gabby later saved Bellona's life and convinced her to stop fighting for Kimura, who had heavily experimented on her. Afterwards Laura drowned Kimura in the bounding main with her bare hands, Gabby reached the water as Bellona admitted she had actually murdered the Californians whom Laura was blamed for. Bellona was then arrested by S.H.I.E.Fifty.D. after telling Laura to take care of Gabby.[24]

Further Adventures with Laura

After returning to New York City, the pair began to track down those responsible for the child trafficking ring they'd encountered during their trip to Madripoor when an conflicting child crash-landed on Roosevelt Island, speaking Laura'southward name to Ironheart with her dying jiff.[25] The child had brought a deadly contamination which came to be known as the Laura Kinney Virus and forced the island into quarantine. Confronting Laura's wishes, Gabby smuggled herself onto Roosevelt Island and helped to thwart A.I.M.'s attempt to steal the alien'due south corpse.[26] They were and so joined by Logan, Daken, and Deadpool and the combined healing factors of the v helped to cure all the infected.[27]

Sometime later, Gabby, now going past Dear Badger, was on a walk with Jonathan, when they stumbled upon the lab where Jonathan had been abused. She decided to phone call Deadpool, afraid that Laura wouldn't approve, and together they began trashing the place. When Laura realized Gabby still hadn't return from her walk, she tracked her down and establish them battling zombie animals. Later on talking to Gabby and assuring her that she would have helped her is she asked, they fix the edifice debark and watched it burn together.[28]

With her sis

After their fourth dimension with Jean Grey's 10-Men,[29] Laura and Gabby, with the help of Hank McCoy, began to track down people who were involved in the cloning of Laura and subsequent projects. At the same time, Gabby became fixated on the idea of a birthday afterwards learning that the Cuckoos celebrated one. For their birthday the remaining three Cuckoos had planned to bring their ii sisters dorsum from the dead. Because their psychic powers were incompatible with the cloned bodies they constructed, Esme transferred her consciousness to a kidnapped Gabby, hoping to employ her healing factor. Meanwhile, Sophie, whose body's destruction had been accelerated by Esme, contacted Laura telepathically and offered her assist.[30]

When Mindee came to find Laura, Sophie persuaded her to their side, and they collection to the Ten-Mansion to face the others. In the midst of the fight between Laura and Esme, Mindee slipped into the mansion to utilise Cerebro, and together with Phoebe and Celeste, they trapped her in the psychic plane afterwards being removed from Gabby. Later on, Gabby invited some X-Men friends to their flat for a 'funeral political party' for Esme, which included block and party hats.[31]

Historic period of X-Human being

Gabby was one of Nate's prisoners at the Danger Room Prison Complex under the supervision of Warden Forge. She was with a fellow prisoner when Forge brought in former X-Man, Bishop,[32] later he was arrested by Department 10.[33]

Gabby in the Danger Room Prison Circuitous

Gabby then pushed Bishop out of her way in the breakfast line as she told him she was still hungry, merely was ignored by him as he thought he was in a chat with someone else, which turned out to exist no one. Gabby said that he was like Lorna, as they both knew the same invisible people. Gabby later played basketball with the other prisoners in the yard but was interrupted by Bishop who said that they both got off on the incorrect human foot and wondered if he had scared her or something. Gabby cut him off and said she could take him out. Bishop then asked her if they knew each other earlier she got the prison since he had flashes or memories of it.

She disagreed with him and told him she would remember someone as abrasive equally him, then reaffirmed that he was only like Lorna. Gabby said he should accept a nap, as it helped her when she got the brain fuzzies, also she wouldn't tell Hank that he came effectually once more. Later on, Bishop was attacked past Hank because Gabby had lied to Bishop near not telling on him.[32]


Gabrielle (The Sisters) (Earth-616) from X-Men Red Vol 1 6 001.jpg

Gabby was later on seen on Krakoa, playing a version of spin the canteen with Logan and Daken merely instead of kissing whoever the bottle lands on, the person has to shed his claws into their head.[34]

She afterwards began training with other young mutants in an effort to synergise their powers. Still, after learning that Madelyne Pryor would not be resurrected due to being a clone, Gabby began to wonder if she would be resurrected in example she died.[half dozen]

She would eventually become concerned with all the time her friends No-Daughter, Pelting Boy, Cosmar, and Anole were spending with The Shadow King (Amahl Farouk), but she couldn't tell Laura almost it because she was on a mission in The City, and the other adults were of little aid. Eventually she was forced to confront Farouk directly about these concerns, only the next twenty-four hours she was plant dead.[x] [35]

Her corpse was possessed by No-Girl. She didn't believe that Gabby would exist resurrected by the 5 as she was a clone. Anole, No-Daughter, Cosmar, and Rain Male child attempted to resurrect her by themselves using skills they learned from The Shadow King.[36] When The Five learned of Gabby's decease they decided to follow their consciences and resurrect her despite her initially beingness a clone. When she was re-built-in she said that the last thing she remembered was seeing The Shadow King and Rahne Sinclair, pain, despite existence resistant to pain, and then nothingness.[37]


Although abused by Alchemax Genetics the aforementioned every bit her sisters, Gabby was largely shielded from the worst of their treatment. Equally a result, she survived their training and escaped with her innocence more or less intact. Md Foreign confirmed with the Centre of Agamotto that although Gabby had done some questionable things, she was indeed an innocent, and Zelda called her what the Sisters should have been.[11]

Gabrielle (The Sisters) (Earth-616) from All-New Wolverine Vol 1 3 001.png

This contributed to the growing discomfort with her sisters' more farthermost deportment that led to her tipping Wolverine off to the assassination attempt in Paris, and because of her trusting nature she accustomed Laura's assertion she didn't impale 3PAR in Paris at face value.[4] She can also be naive. After Bellona sardonically questioned Laura's refusal to kill despite maiming Alchemax Genetics' soldier by request what would happen if a man whose fingers Laura severed was a part-fourth dimension pianist, Gabby gathered up the severed digits and left them where he could easily observe them again just in case information technology was actually true.[13] She also has a tendency towards frank honesty about the unusual state of affairs the grouping is in. She berated Doctor Strange for keeping a closet total of horrors in his living room instead of decorating with paintings when questioned by an orderly why she and Bellona are continuing around a restricted area, she unhesitatingly responded with the truth about Strange and her Sisters,[11] and when Zelda awakened afterward Laura and Wasp successfully destroyed the nanites killing her, she rambled about "teeny-tiny warrior women" attacking the "teeny-tiny machines."[15]

She cares deeply for her sisters and was upset both by Zelda's death, and Bellona'south determination to leave and surrender to Kimura once their mission was complete. Gabby confessed affection and admiration for Laura herself to Director Chandler.[12] Later Zelda'south death and Bellona'south difference, she came to view Laura as the only family she had left and was securely upset when Laura considered sending her away someplace safer, and where she could live a normal life.[16] Though Laura has taken it upon herself to deed as Gabby's guardian, Gabby has besides get protective of Laura in turn, and warned Erstwhile Man Logan against bringing any more pain to Laura'due south life.[xviii]. She is as well highly-protective of Jonathan the wolverine, and when the animal was shot during a botched burglary viciously attacked the perpetrators.[38]

Powers and Abilities


Gabby reveals her hook.

Gabrielle Kinney was cloned from the Mutant Laura Kinney,[eleven] therefore she possesses powers similar to those of Laura'due south begetter, Logan.[commendation needed] Gabrielle'south accelerated cellular regeneration augments her natural strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reflexes.[citation needed]

  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Gabby'southward body naturally regenerates most (if not all) damaged or destroyed tissue and organs at a rate which exceeds that of whatever baseline man. Although Alchemax believed otherwise, Gabrielle possesses this ability. Strangely, she still possesses her facial scarring.[18] It is currently unclear whether her healing abilities provide the same secondary effects (enhanced forcefulness, senses, endurance, etc.) as Laura'southward, or how it is afflicted by the nanites infesting her bloodstream.[citation needed]
    • Decelerated Aging: Gabby inherited a lifespan similar to her father's.[10]
  • Retractable Bone Claws: Gabby'due south skeleton includes two retractable foot-long bone claws, i in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of her forearms. Gabrielle could, at will, release these slightly curved claws through her skin betwixt the knuckles on each hand. The os claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human os, allowing them to penetrate well-nigh flesh and many natural materials.[12] [26]
  • Superhumanly Acute Senses: Gabby's super-human senses are a combination of a dissever mutant ability and her Healing Cistron since her sense organs atrophy at a much slower rate than baseline humans. Her virtually improved senses are sight, hearing and smell.[39]
  • Insensitivity to Pain: As a consequence of Alchemax Genetics' experiments, Gabby is unable to feel hurting.[4]


Expert Covert Ops Training: Gabby was extensively trained equally an assassinator and bodyguard. She demonstrated sufficient skill that even Wolverine found it difficult to track her.[4]



  • Gabby was equipped with trunk armor and an armored mask.[citation needed]
  • Like all of the Sisters, Gabby's bloodstream is infested with nanomachines. This provides her with consummate insensitivity to pain, however, in the other girls it resulted in a greatly reduced lifespan. It is unclear how the nanites are affected past (or result) her healing cistron.[citation needed]


While on the run with the other Sisters, Gabby carried a pair of MAC-ten motorcar pistols;[citation needed] however, after coming under Laura's care she has abased firearms, and more recently has begun carrying nunchucks,[40] and a pair brass knuckles that spell the words "HONEY" and "BADGER." [41]


  • According to creator Tom Taylor, each of The Sisters represented an aspect of Laura's personality. Gabby was described as the innocence that was stolen from her, and the girl she could take been.[42]
  • Gabby was said to accept a greatly reduced life expectancy due to the presence of strange nanites in her bloodstream;[43] though, it is unknown what profoundly reduced based upon her genetic source textile actually means. However, this was prior to the revelation that she was Laura'southward only clone to inherit her healing factor, meaning she is probable protected from this.
  • Gabby was in one case infected by the Breed.[44]


  • All-New Wolverine #10 revealed that Gabby existed in at to the lowest degree 1 other universe, World-21923. Whether Logan knew her before or after the villain uprising has not been disclosed, just she appeared to have at least some of Gabby's powers, and both killed and was killed by the Wasteland'due south Laura Kinney.
  • Gabby is a member of the Forums social media network.[7]
  • Gabby was 13 years old as of All-New Wolverine Annual #1.
  • The grave marker for Gabby's counterpart on Earth-21923 gives her the full name of Gabby Zelda Kinney, though this is not necessarily true for Earth-616.[18]
  • Daken dubbed her Love Badger based on how sweet she was and her ii retractable claws.[iii]
  • Gabby had confused feelings about a daughter she saw once on a coach that she has nonetheless to completely explore, suggesting she may be bisexual or a lesbian.[45]
  • Gabby was not be eligible for resurrection by the V due to her status as a clone.[46]
    • In spite of this, they brought her back anyways.[37]

Run into Likewise

  • 95 appearance(s) of Gabrielle Kinney (Earth-616)
  • 2 modest appearance(s) of Gabrielle Kinney (Earth-616)
  • 6 mentions of Gabrielle Kinney (Earth-616)
  • 131 image(south) of Gabrielle Kinney (World-616)
  • 16 quotation(due south) by or about Gabrielle Kinney (Earth-616)

Links and References


  1. All-New Wolverine #25
  2. 10-23 Vol 4 #12
  3. 3.0 3.ane 3.two All-New Wolverine #28
  4. 4.0 4.2 4.three 4.iv 4.v 4.6 All-New Wolverine #2
  5. X-23 Vol 4 #six
  6. 6.0 6.1 New Mutants Vol iv #14
  7. 7.0 7.i Champions Vol 3 #ane
  8. Uncanny X-Men Vol five #9
  9. Extermination #4
  10. x.0 10.1 ten.2 New Mutants Vol iv #19
  11. eleven.0 11.1 11.2 11.iii 11.iv 11.5 11.6 All-New Wolverine #iv
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.three 12.4 All-New Wolverine #six
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 All-New Wolverine #three
  14. All-New Wolverine #i
  15. fifteen.0 fifteen.i All-New Wolverine #5
  16. 16.0 All-New Wolverine #vii
  17. All-New Wolverine #10-11
  18. 18.0 eighteen.ane 18.ii xviii.3 All-New Wolverine #12
  19. All-New Wolverine #13
  20. All-New Wolverine #14
  21. All-New Wolverine #15
  22. All-New Wolverine #16
  23. All-New Wolverine #17
  24. All-New Wolverine #18
  25. All-New Wolverine #nineteen
  26. 26.0 All-New Wolverine #twenty
  27. All-New Wolverine #21
  28. All-New Wolverine #31
  29. X-Men: Red #1
  30. X-23 Vol 4 #one-4
  31. X-23 (Vol. 4) #4-5
  32. 32.0 32.1 Age of X-Human being: Prisoner X #one
  33. Historic period of X-Man Alpha #1
  34. X-Forcefulness Vol six #9
  35. New Mutants Vol 4 #18
  36. New Mutants Vol iv #twenty
  37. 37.0 New Mutants Vol 4 #21
  38. All-New Wolverine #10
  39. 10-23 Vol iv #8
  40. X-23 Vol iv #2
  41. X-23 Vol 4 #1
  42. Tom Taylor Declassifies All-New Wolverine's Deadly Sisters
  43. All-New Wolverine #2-5
  44. All-New Wolverine #23
  45. X-Men: Ruddy #2
  46. New Mutants Vol 4 #20-21
  47. All-New Wolverine #25

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